Source code for Py6S.Params.altitudes

# This file is part of Py6S.
# Copyright 2012 Robin Wilson and contributors listed in the CONTRIBUTORS file.
# Py6S is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Py6S is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Py6S.  If not, see <>.

[docs]class Altitudes: """Allows the specification of target and sensor altitudes.""" def __init__(self): self.target_alt_pres = None self.sensor_alt_pres = None self.sensor_altitude = None self.aot = None self.water = None self.ozone = None
[docs] def set_target_sea_level(self): """Set the altitude of the target to be at sea level (0km)""" self.target_alt_pres = 0
[docs] def set_target_custom_altitude(self, altitude): """Set the altitude of the target. Arguments: * `altitude` -- The altitude of the target, in km """ self.target_alt_pres = -1 * altitude
[docs] def set_target_pressure(self, pressure): """Set the pressure of the target (a proxy for the height of the target). Arguments: * `pressure` -- The pressure at the target, in mb """ self.target_alt_pres = pressure
[docs] def set_sensor_sea_level(self): """Set the sensor altitude to be sea level.""" # Reset the sensor_altitude (as used by set_sensor_custom_altitude()) to None # before setting the sensor_alt_pres self.sensor_altitude = None self.sensor_alt_pres = 0
[docs] def set_sensor_satellite_level(self): """Set the sensor altitude to be satellite level.""" # Reset the sensor_altitude (as used by set_sensor_custom_altitude()) to None # before setting the sensor_alt_pres self.sensor_altitude = None self.sensor_alt_pres = -1000
[docs] def set_sensor_custom_altitude(self, altitude, aot=-1, water=-1, ozone=-1): """Set the altitude of the sensor, along with other variables required for the parameterisation of the sensor. Takes optional arguments of `aot`, `water` and `ozone` to specify atmospheric contents underneath the sensor. If these aren't specified then the water and ozone contents will be interpolated from the US-1962 standard atmosphere, and the AOT will be interpolated from a 2km exponential aerosol profile. Arguments: * `altitude` -- The altitude of the sensor, in km. * `aot` -- (Optional, keyword argument) The AOT at 550nm at the sensor * `water` -- (Optional, keyword argument) The water vapour content (in g/cm^2) at the sensor * `ozone` -- (Optional, keyword argument) The ozone content (in cm-atm) at the sensor Example usage:: s.altitudes.set_sensor_custom_altitude(8, 0.35, 1.6, 0.4) # Altitude of 8km, AOT of 0.35, Water content of 1.6g/cm^2 and Ozone of 0.4cm-atm """ if altitude < 0 or altitude >= 100: raise ValueError("Sensor altitude must be > 0km and < 100km") self.sensor_altitude = -1 * altitude self.aot = aot self.water = water self.ozone = ozone
def __str__(self): if self.sensor_altitude is None: return "%f\n%f\n" % (self.target_alt_pres, self.sensor_alt_pres) else: return "%f\n%f\n%f %f\n%f\n" % ( self.target_alt_pres, self.sensor_altitude, self.water, self.ozone, self.aot, )